Net Acceleration Accelerate Your Business™

Hosting FAQ

How can I view emails on my devices?

Published On: 11/08/2013

Viewing your emails on desktops, laptops and mobile devices require you to setup the account using the same information used when creating the account on cPanel. Although the process is a bit different depending on the device, the information required is the same.

  • Select IMAP or POP3. Net Acceleration suggests using IMAP
  • Username - Is the full email address
  • Password - your email password
  • Incoming & Outgoing Mailservers - These will both be the same,
  • Set SSL to ON
  • Set Outgoing/Incoming Authentication to ON
  • Port numbers - This really depends on your ISP and can be a hunt and peck process. The following ports have been identified as useful for clients in the order of usefulness.
    • Incoming Port - 110, 143, 993
    • Outgoing Port - 24, 25, 26, 465

One thing to remember is if there is a field labeled as Optional, assume it is actually required. Apple products specifically note a few outgoing fields as such, is incorrect and will throw errors.

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